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What's your gene cuisine?

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2017-07-24

By now we all know the saying: genetics load the gun, and environment pulls the trigger

The evidence is stacking for all gene-environment interactions.

The good news is that our health is not fated!

Just because mom, dad or Aunt Sally was obese or had heart disease, and even if you carry the genes for breast cancer or Alzheimer’s, you can still skate by unscathed by these conditions.
(True, that skating might take some know-how, skill and determination, but it’s within your power all the same.)

As a health nut, I know the topic of mastering your destiny to the best of your abilities is of interest you. And that’s why we want to talk genes—what they are, how they manifest and what you can do about them (no matter what the blueprint says).

Genetics and “genomics” is the topic of an upcoming (and free) online program hosted by my good friend, James Maskell and the Evolution of Medicine. I’d love to invite you to attend. I think you’ll especially enjoy my talk on epigenetics (the factors that impact your genes), which you’ll receive immediately upon registration!
The Interpreting Your Genetics Summit

August 21st through 28th

it’s all online and free!
click here to register

In this program I’m honored to be among the featured functional medicine speakers steeped in the theories, practices and controversies of interpreting the information from our genes to determine our health, medical or dietary protocols.

While knowing more about our genes and getting down and dirty with the 23andme is all the rage these days, there’s also a catch-22 to knowing more about our DNA.

Just because you’ve got a certain mutation, doesn’t mean it’s expressed (did the environment turn that gene on or off?). And context matters (if you’ve got a genetic variation, what other ones do you have and how do they work together to help or hinder your internal operations?).

As you can imagine, it’s interesting, confusing and sometimes useful information to know more about your genes, if you have the right support and guidance.

And that’s precisely what I’ll cover in my talk during the summit. It’s called Epigenetic Mastery for Everyone and I can’t wait to share it with you.

My talk is one of the 3 featured sessions that’s available immediately when you register for the online summit so you can tune-in as soon as today.

We’ll explore the 3 levels of epigenetic mastery along with common misconceptions about protocols based on genetic profiling. Most importantly, you’ll work out what’s best for you (at the lowest cost!)

Join me for my talk (and the entire free online event) and become the master of your epigenetics.


Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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