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The truth about the root cause - Blog Image

The truth about the root cause

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2019-03-22

Recently I introduced you to the Non-Negotiable Trifecta—sleep, poop, and blood sugar balance.
I also shared the new Sleep Assessment that we use at the Functional Nutrition Alliance Clinic.

These 3 factors (sleep, poop and blood sugar balance) are so critical to resolving any health issue that in our clinic they are assessed and addressed immediately, either before or during other recommendations or interventions, dependent on the person we’re working with.

I know it’s seductive to reach for the quick-fix—the one nutrient, superfood, or protocol that you hope will remedy your situation and “fix” your health issues. You may even see promises from companies and practitioners along these lines. But the truth is, trying to bypass the Non-Negotiable Trifecta is like building a house on quicksand. The house just doesn’t stand tall and strong, at least not for very long.

I also know it seems somewhat boring or even trivial to spend time bringing remedy to these core basics. You’ve likely tried many of the “simpler” solutions and want to go deeper so you can truly find the “one root cause” of what’s causing your suffering.

The “Root Cause” Likely Has Many Roots

Yet the truth is, there is rarely one root cause.

In fact, all the social media hype about “the root cause,” is causing me to lose a little sleep!

It has so many of us searching for the one pill, protocol, probe or practitioner that’s going to unearth that one root cause and address it to resolve issues that are instead more widely rooted in your biology.

Soil Matters Too

Beyond the deceit of this trend, I’m concerned about you. I’m concerned that you may be searching for remedies or practitioners that will unearth that one root when, to truly find your way to resolution, you need to both work with practitioners who are searching for the roots (notice the plural), and also focus on the soil in which those roots grew!

And that soil is, in great part, diet and lifestyle!

Your daily food intake and habits create the environment in which your cells live, giving you a powerful role in moving your own personal dial towards wellness. And 3 of the most important indicators of that environment are sleep, poop, and blood sugar balance (and how any imbalances there may be impacting you at a deeper level.)

In addition, when a health issue takes root in your system, this Non Negotiable Trifecta of sleep, poop, and blood sugar balance is your doorway to feeling better. On the other hand, without changing this soil, the root (singular or plural) may just grow back. Or a new root will manifest. Perhaps in a new place in your “yard” where you least expect it.

This can lead you on a chronic quest for the next root, and the next one. But without a lot of sustainable resolution.

So I’m on a soapbox about the reality we have to face in order for patients (and we’re all patients, myself included!) to finally feel better. We need to let go of the idea of the Quick Fix, to better understand the environment in which health and dis-ease grow. We need to accept the TRUTH ABOUT ROOT CAUSES.

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Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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