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Step away from the scale!

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2018-10-02

I confess, these past few months have been a whirlwind for me. With a growing business and a desire to have time for myself, with my new boyfriend, and with my son (even though, as a teeneager, he has less time for me!), I’ve been stretched thin. (And as you might know I’ve also been recording the 3-part Tipping the Scale video series between travel and I’m happy to say, the 3rd video is released today!)

Waking at 5am to get in a morning walk or workout, working away through the day and often into the night, wrestling with the many decisions and challenges that come with running a small business… Whew!

I’m guessing you have your own version of this same busy story. Although we probably don’t share the exact circumstances, I bet that you too have a ‘to-do’ list that never ends, and feel like there’s not quite enough time for yourself in a day. Truth be told, I know I’ve been overindulging in more ways than one just to get by.

Even though I mostly “walk the line”, there’s always a little veering off the path and into the “bike lane”, as I like to call it—especially when times are busy and tough.

Too much, a little more, another bite won’t hurt…

We all do it—no matter our usual parameters. And for most of us, the toll starts to creep in, slowly but surely, leaving the feeling of desperately wanting to find a way back to our own unique “center”.

This is something I hear from so many people, near and far, old and young.

You may be feeling it today too! And for me, with my 50th birthday behind me, I can sense the hormonal shifts making themselves known, forcing me to define my “center” in a whole new way.

Tipping the Scale: How Estrogen Dominance is Influencing your Health, Happiness & Weight Loss Goals and What to Do About It

get immediate access to all three videos

Hormone struggles have been relatively easy for me throughout my life. I say “relatively” because I did have wicked cramps and acne as a teen; it took a bit longer than I would have liked to get pregnant in my thirties; and in my early forties I discovered I had blood sugar, adrenal and autoimmune thyroid issues. (Hello hormones!)

It sounds extreme, but more women than not experience hormonal fluctuations that leave us frustrated, scratching our heads and seeking remedy—or, like me, discovering later that our hormones were, in part, to blame, and that there was actually something we could have done about it along the way.

That’s why I have three hormone happy recommendations for you—just in time for you to navigate the shifting seasons and shorter days.

recommendation #1: step away from the scale!

Seriously. This is no time to beat yourself up or to entertain feelings of frustration, head scratching or disappointment. Relax into the seasonal shift (without throwing caution to the wind or indulging in too many “bike lane” Halloween treats). Don’t give up hope. Hope is fueled not just by information, but by practice and understanding and seeing and feeling a difference for the time you invest in yourself.

That can happen!

The root of the original word “hope” actually means a “change in direction”—directions that are different and unique to specific paradigms. Hope does not consist of expectations that things will come out exactly right, but the expectation that they will make sense.

recommendation #2: make sense of your hormones!

If you know me, you know I like to say “you are not what you eat, but what your body can do with what you eat!”

In this hopeful way, we don’t have to go chasing the perfect diet, but instead develop a deeper understanding of how the choices we make affect our internal chemistry. It’s easier than it sounds!

Instead of jumping into the same ‘ol, same ‘ol protocol to try to find your way back to center, shift the paradigm, change direction, and regain hope by getting to the (hormonal) roots of what irks you and joining me for this free 3-part video series…

Tipping the Scale: How Estrogen Dominance is Influencing your Health, Happiness & Weight Loss Goals and What to Do About It

get immediate access to all three videos

The full video series is available now for you to watch along with 3 additional tributes to supporting your hormone balance; 3 gifts to help calibrate your concrete action steps for hormonal poise and potential in relation to your energy, your weight and even your sex drive. Woohoo!

Studies show that “hope” is experienced in three interrelated realms: personal spirit (personal realm); risk (situational real); authentic caring (interpersonal realm). What happens when we receive the trifecta, stepping into a situation that allows for community while providing individual support for what’s currently unknown is that hope can become reality.

recommendation #3: give your hormones hope!

The Tipping the Scale video series is for you if you’re ready to harness your health and happiness.

This is a crucial conversation if you’re a mom with daughters.

This is a series for intelligent feminists, health enthusiasts and radical women who want to be a compelling force of wisdom and power in the world!

And I promise you this: I’ve made the information palatable so that it’s easy to understand the complexity of your hormone hierarchy and take next-steps to support yourself.

If you want to remain in the dark, as we have been kept for far too long regarding our hormones, then this video series may not be for you. But I think I know you well by now…I believe you’re ready to shed the light, reclaim regulation and restore hope. It may seem funny to marry conversations about hope and hormones, but they belong together. And 2017 is the year to harness a new kind of knowing…knowing yourself!

Start by joining me for the free video series:
Tipping the Scale: How Estrogen Dominance is Influencing your Health, Happiness & Weight Loss Goals and What to Do About It

And if you’re hankering for guided hormonal balancing KNOW-HOW and HOW-TO, join me for the fast approaching EstroZen: The Detox Diet to Naturally Reverse Estrogen Dominance

This 3-week education and action-step packed program is designed specifically to teach you how to harmonize your hormones for your health (breast, ovary, cervix and otherwise!) and happiness while finally addressing those stubborn weight loss goals.

Registration for EstroZenis open now and there’s Special Discount Pricing available through Thursday night that you don’t want to miss (it’s just $147 for this three-week program if you enroll by this Thursday!) To hormone happiness and good health!

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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