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Power in Numbers = Balance in Numbers

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2012-10-18

Last night I watched a video lecture on the efficacy of sociogenomics.

Curiously, it’s not the first time I watched that video. But it is the first time it got me thinking about the successes I see in the Replenish PDX detoxes that I teach, like EstroZen, whose kick-off class on hormone balance starts tomorrow night!

YES the detoxes are packed with great information that teach you to understand the Whys and Hows of making dietary change so that you can carry your new habits well into your future.

YES, the detoxes include a bounty of recipes that you and your entire family will savor, enjoying again and again. The pages of your Recipe & Protocol packet will most certainly become dog-eared for future use!

And, YES, I love that I can provide you with daily support throughout the duration of the detox. Our Message Board becomes an active and interesting forum for questions, communications and my continued coaching throughout the program.
But there’s another reason why the detoxes are so successful.

And that’s YOU(and you and you and you).

You see, sociogenomics is the study of the effects that community has on our biology. Did you ever think that going with the flow, when the flow is good and healthy, has benefits that reverberate deep into your cellular and genetic expression?

That’s pretty darn cool!

And what I realized last night is that the community created during our detoxes, sometimes hundreds of people across the globe stepping into a profound healing experience together, has the power to make changes in your body that go well beyond your solo efforts.

Changes like these. . .

“Day 3: I feel less bloated and like my stomach is already flatter.”I’ve already lost 2 pounds! I don’t feel hungry at all and I feel like my appetite for sweets has been eliminated. I LOVE the food I’m eating, and I feel lighter, stronger and more focused. It’s just day 3 and I feel less bloated and like my stomach is already flatter.
“I came out of it feeling so much more wise, thoughtful, peaceful, whole, happy, energized, and INSPIRED!”
Andrea’s detox caused deep changes for me! I went into the month knowing a good deal about eating healthy, and I came out of it feeling so much more wise, thoughtful, peaceful, whole, happy, energized, and INSPIRED! Thank you so much Andrea. I feel like each of us that went through this program will now pay it forward to our sphere of influence. Our children, friends and loved ones are all a part of this just by watching our transformations. They too will catch this wave for even greater impact. Thank you!
“I wish I could have had someone like Andrea sit down with my younger self years ago and tell me exactly what to eat for optimal health.”
Before this detox, I tried losing 9 pounds that had clung to me for 2+ years. No matter what I tried, or how I tweaked my diet, these pounds didn’t budge. After doing Andrea’s detox, I lost 9 pounds effortlessly. She had us pull out certain foods from our diets and since removing them, I’ve had no desire to start eating them again.
Andrea completely opened my eyes about how different foods affect my body. She opened me up to new possibilities on how to prepare food, and which food combinations to use. She gave me an opportunity to stop, listen, and see what my body really needs for optimal health.
I wish I could have had someone like Andrea sit down with my younger self years ago and tell me exactly what to eat for optimal health. I’m continually amazed by all the tasty recipes I’m creating every day.
Thank you Andrea, for an amazing, knowledge-filled 3-weeks.

Your hormones are cellular messengers. They’re a community too! A community right within your body. Now is the time to have the community of messengers inside of you join with the community of detoxers all around you for the hormone balancing transformation of the season.

I’m so thrilled to kick-off the EstroZen Detox with our first class tomorrow evening. Step aboard and let’s find balance in numbers and balance. . . together!



Got EZ Questions?

I’ve got answers.

If you’ve got questions about the EstroZen Detox, please email us at I’ll be sending out a FAQ tomorrow via email that addresses the questions that I am seeing the most.

Get yours in there!

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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