Full Body Systems Graduate Spotlight: Carrie Bailey - Blog Image

Full Body Systems Graduate Spotlight: Carrie Bailey

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2017-03-11

Carrie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Certified Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner (FNLP). Her practice didn’t always feel like a “win.” In her own words…

Before I found Andrea I had gone to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I’d started seeing clients but I felt like I wasn’t getting the results that I was hoping for. I’d tell people to eat their leafy greens and drink water and exercise but it wasn’t moving the weight loss scale and wasn’t what people were looking for.

Then I took the Digestive Intensive and subsequently the Full Body Systems.

I was able to really tap into the anatomy, the physiology, and the functional nutrition tools. These helped me identify what was really going on at a detailed level with my clients. I felt like I could educate them and show them what was happening in their bodies and connect with them at level that allowed trust and cooperation and compliance and ultimately results.

Through Andrea’s mentorship, I’ve been able to gain confidence working with clients as well as talking to doctors and other practitioners.

She gives you the confidence by teaching you not just how to think functionally but also how to talk to clients and how to talk to doctors about the work that you do. In fact I often find myself saying Andrea-isms — (“Back it up,” “What’s going on in there?”) It’s almost like she is there with me when I’m speaking to people about health. I’d never experienced that kind of mentorship and it’s made a huge difference in my success!

And…are you ready for the biggest win?

Check this out:

I’m a busy mom with two young kids. Once I hit 10 clients I had to create a waiting list. That just blew me away. My mailing list was small, it was just family and friends and I was mostly just getting people from referrals. I was just doing great work and people were telling their friends.

Full Body Systems completely changed me personally as well as my practice — which I am excited to call a thriving practice.

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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