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Free Online Hashimoto's Workshop

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2013-09-01

What: Free Online Workshop with Andrea NakayamaMapping Your Signs & Symptoms: Addressing Your Hashimoto’s from a Full System’s Perspective
When: Saturday September 7th at 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET
Duration: 90 minutes

While talking about Hashimoto’s over the last week, I’ve received some interesting questions…

  • If Hashimoto’s affects so many people, how come I haven’t heard about it before?

  • Do enough people actually have Hashimoto’s to warrant a whole class on the subject?

  • I’m already working with a naturopath/integrative doctor and they’ve reviewed my labs and put me on thyroid hormones but I still have symptoms. Isn’t there just one thing you can tell me that will make those go away?

Yet this is what the world of thyroid disease looks like from my perspective…

These questions that I’ve been receiving are so interesting to me because I’m immersed in a world of Hashimoto’s ~ both personally and professionally.

My understanding of the road to symptom management is a deep process that involves an understanding of the web of systems that are the foundation of the diagnosis. Over the years I’ve been fortunate enough to work with the unfortunate people whose underlying autoimmunity has been ignored. All too often this oversight has lead to a treatment plan that falls short of allowing them to live their lives with the vibrancy they crave in body and mind.

This systems analysis is unique to each one of us and is the bedrock of functional medicine and nutrition. And this systems approach is something I’m inviting YOU to map for YOURSELF, in a free seminar with me just one week from today.

Step 1:

Grab Your Symptom Checklist from the Girl’s Guide to Hashimoto’s

Step 2:


What: Free Teleseminar with Andrea Nakayama
Mapping Your Signs & Symptoms: Addressing Your Hashimoto’s from a Full System’s Perspective

When: Saturday September 7th at 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET

Duration: 90 minutes

Where: Online Teleseminar (stay tuned for registration details)

Still got symptoms?

Take a systems approach.

Join me next Saturday for Mapping Your Signs & Symptoms. Save the date and I’ll follow-up in the coming week with registration details.


Andrea Nakayama

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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