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Dishing up my daily dose

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2014-07-31

What’s on my plate this month?

cleansing with intention

Sometimes your daily dose is a lot to swallow.

I don’t mean all that’s on your plate ~ work, family, health and more.

And I’m not even referring to the vitamin C, vitamin D, CoQ10, etc. etc. that you may choose to wash down each day.

It’s your fruits and veggie intake that I’m thinking about.

And mine too!

That’s why I’ve been spending the past week dipping into the crisper, getting ready for the Refresh Cleanse.

But wait, check this out:

The USDA guidelines (which vary by sex, age and activity level) recommend 1 ½ to 2 cups fruit per day plus 2 ½ to 3 cups of veggies per day.
examples of 1 cup fruit:

  • 1 medium apple or peach

  • 1 cup blueberries

  • 8 large strawberries

  • 1 cup fresh  juice

    (let’s make that fresh pressed!)

examples of 1 cup veggies:

  • 1 cup raw or cooked veggies

  • 1 cup fresh juice 

    (again, let’s make that fresh pressed!)

  • 2 cups leafy greens

The USDA’s “My Plate” advocates filling half your plate with garden goodies.

In the last decade, perhaps because of our national decline in health, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans has been increased from 5-9 servings of day of fruits and veggies to 5-13 servings a day.

You could look at it in a number of ways, but if the portions don’t add up for you, the consequences do…

(We’ll be talking about some of those consequences and sharing tips on the Replenish Facebook Page over the next couple of weeks. Come join us!)

Skirting those consequences and stepping back into the opportunity of how to reignite my phytonutrient, antioxidant rainbow powers is exactly why I like to dip into the chance to Refresh my intentions every season with a targeted seasonal cleanse that ensures that I get my daily dose and then some.

  • 30% of Americans, or seven out of ten of us, fall short of eating even 5 a day.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that most Americans eat less than half the amount of recommended vegetable servings.

  • According to a poll of over 1,000 people conducted for the International Food Information Council Foundation, the majority of Americans say they’ve been to eat more fruits and vegetables over the past year.


  • People site cost as an issue for not eating more vegetables and fruits but a government study showed you can eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables for under $2.50 a day.

  • That study reports: 

    “It’s really a matter of priorities and how you spend your money.” “You can skip the soda when you eat out, and you’ve saved enough money to buy all your fruits and vegetables for the day.”

For one week now, I’ve been giving my digestion a break, focusing on the repair of my core, boosting my daily dose and getting ready to lead you through doing the same.
Are you ready for your summer recharge?

I gotta tell you, it feels pretty awesome to be fed by the sun 5-13 times a day!



P.S. Are you ready for a targeted and supported summer cleanse?

I’m ready to take you there!

Refresh: A TrulyFood Summer Cleanse

cleanse class: Saturday, August 9th at 9am Pacific/ 12pm Eastern

group cleanse: August 11th – 17th

cleanse duration: one week
cleanse includes:

* 90 minute class with teachings about cleansing, the body’s systems, and navigating the week and the protocol

* daily protocol for the entire week

* a variety of delicious recipes to choose from

* options for ease and intensity

* handouts to help guide you through the cleanse

* list of supplies to assist you with the protocol

* instructions for purchase of any recommended supplements

* on-line targeted support throughout the week
click here to learn more and get Refreshed ~ it’s that time!

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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