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Class is in session!

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2014-07-01

My name is Megan Liebmann and I’m one of Andrea Nakayama’s lead counselors on the Replenish Nutrition team. The Digestive Intensive Jumpstart begins today and I’msuper excited to join you in this deep dive into the GI.

Here’s why. . .

I entered the world of nutrition and health coaching to help people feel better, and to empower them with life-changing information that they could practice every single day.

More than anything, I wanted to speak with confidence and clarity, so that I could become a trusted resource for my clients and, more importantly, so they could understand what’s happening in their body and what they could do about it.

That’s what I’ve loved most in working with Andrea, and practicing under her guidance. She is a master of explanation.

Even though I get to speak to Andrea regularly, I still find myself replaying the Digestive Intensive classes over and over to capture her style of relating and teaching, and to aim to also become a master of explanation in my own right.

We’re often in the position of building a bridge between ourselves and our clients and it’s this bridge that’s going to take them from illness to health. I know I used to get caught in thinking that the bridge between illness and health was the changes I could help clients make to their diet or their protocol.

I’ve since found that the bridge consists of these things in tandem with the what, why and how. Without interpretation, it’s hard to understand the language of healing.

Recently a new client came my way (I’ll call him Hank).
Hank was 75 years old and one month away from losing his colon.

I was nervous about working with an older gentleman. He’d been sent to Replenish by his doctor ~ a gastroenterologist that’s come to rely heavily on Andrea’s insights and wisdom about how to address digestive dysfunction.
How was I ever going to explain his complex digestive disorder in a language he could hear?
Would he trust me enough to make the necessary changes I was recommending to help him save such a critical organ?
Would my work in this precarious situation live up to the doctor’s expectations of our services?

But Andrea assigned me to his case without hesitation and, as usual, her guidance and information served as my safety net.

I’m sure you can easily imagine how I felt in this situation. I would feel terrible if my recommendations didn’t work for Hank, but I kept remembering that everybody is different – every body is unique. If relief didn’t happen for him with my targeted approach to remedying his health, then at least we’d have gained valuable information to lead us closer to understanding the next steps of the protocol we were creating specifically for Hank.

Believe me when I tell you that not too long ago there was a day when the nervousness I felt about helping Hank would have kept me from stepping up and doing so. I would not have understood that this is a dynamic process where me and my client were in a therapeutic partnership.

And what a shame it would have been if I had stayed in that fear!

Today, Hank celebrates keeping his colon and going to his grandson’s soccer games without having an accident. He told me that he “feels like a normal person for the first time in 25 years.”
How rewarding is that?!

It’s not only my confidence that matters here, but that I really get to make a difference in people’s lives. . . people like Hank. I wanted to do this work to help people and now I know how to really do it.

Statements like Hank’s make me feel like a true healthcare pro. Although I may want to be a stand-alone hero to those I serve, I also realize that I’m not meant to do this alone. . .

The community and opportunities that Andrea provides are exactly what many of us need to attract clients, grow our nutrition teams, show up as our best, and be a powerful force of healing that others desperately need.

It’s hard to imagine where I would be today if I hadn’t found my way to Andrea and her teachings. And the best part is that I now get to be on the team that helps you step into your confidence so that you can serve your clients and patients to the best of your abilities.

I look forward to being one of your guides and cheerleaders in the Digestive Intensive Jumpstart throughout the entire month.

If you’d like to learn more about the Digestive Intensive Jumpstart, head over to the Holistic Nutrition Lab website and watch the videos where Andrea reveals the key factors of a successful nutrition practice.

Class is now in session! (Seriously, the first class has already been posted.)


Megan Liebmann

Replenish Lead Nutritionist

P.S. Sorry I missed you on the Digestive 911 session earlier this week when you got to meet three of my Replenish Nutrition Team partners! I’m on a short road-trip with my family but tuned in to listen as soon as I could.

You can too (just click right here).

Got Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at

Your comments and feedback are always welcome.
Andrea Nakayama

Functional Nutrition

503 866.8079

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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