Caffeine confessional…

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2018-05-11

I have a confession to make. I’ve been sipping into the caffeine lately. (Especially on noted occasions like today—Mother’s Day, as well as what would have been my late husband’s 50th birthday—where it feels like I deserve a “treat”.)

Earlier this week I even posted a photograph on Instagram of the walnut-almond milk coffee latte I had with a friend at a local cafe.
OK. There. I said it!

While my body can’t tolerate too much coffee, I can fall deeply for the green tea. And the chocolate. (Oooooh, the chocolate!) These past couple of weeks I’ll admit that I’ve been mixing the two, for a decadent matcha green tea, coconut milk mocha. It’s my matcha mocha.

(Sometimes I even add a little maca, because it’s not only fun to say, but delicious to drink.)

And my matcha maca mocha has been just about everything I’ve needed to fuel me through days filled with deadlines, seasonal weather fluctuations, big life changes, and travel during the past month or so.

Yes, my decadent drink is delicious but don’t get any big ideas. I’m making this public confession because I’ve been thinking about the effects of caffeine…the effects on my liver.

You may be caffeine sensitive (a “slow detoxifier”), experiencing a head rush and heart palpitations at the thought of an Americano or too much dark chocolate mousse. Or you may be one of those rare individuals (like my sister!), who can enjoy a post-dinner espresso and slumber like a baby an hour later.

The difference lies in our livers.

And right now, the books stacked beside my bed are all about the liver.

This is in preparation to support you during the FxNA Spring Cleanse that begins on May 14th (that’s this Monday!)

I’m getting ready for rejuvenation (mine and I hope yours, too!)

And spring rejuvenation and detoxification are all about the liver.

Detoxification is the opportunity to amplify the body’s ability to break down and eliminate waste. That waste can be drugs, alcohol, nicotine, prescription medication, toxins in our food or air, and especially the excessive radiation we are now exposed to.

Oh, and did I forget to mention caffeine?

Caffeine is a substance that requires the liver for processing.

Let’s take a look…

About 30 to 60 minutes after consumption, caffeine has reached the height of its potential. Yet it takes another few hours (at least, and this depends on your individual system) for the liver to deconstruct the caffeine.

The liver has a big and important job!

There are several pathways in which different substances are broken down and then made possible for excretion. That’s IF your liver is working optimally.

Caffeine is distracting your liver from the work it needs to do elsewhere.

In addition, all detoxification is highly dependent on hydration. Besides confounding the liver with breakdown, the caffeine is acting as a diuretic, serving to dehydrate us despite our best efforts to consume more water.

Distracting, dehydrating yet delicious?!

Perhaps not the best recipe for optimal health.

In looking at the impact of my matcha maca mocha on my own liver, I’m not saying that all caffeine is all bad all the time. Both green tea and raw chocolate have some amazing health benefits that are undeniable! Even coffee can be rich in antioxidants!

What I am realizing, however, is that it’s important to alleviate the stress on my powerful gatekeeper—at least on occasion—and bolster its efficiency.

Spring is the perfect time of year to give our livers this extra loving break.

Today was my first day sans caffeine. I’m turning the special occasion of Mother’s Day into a special occasion to take extra special care of myself.

No matcha maca mocha for me. I’m getting outdoors instead.

And so far so good.

If you’re already planning on joining me for the Spring Cleanse, start decreasing (or eliminating) your caffeine now. It will serve you well later!

And if you haven’t registered yet, consider the upcoming cleanse as a much-needed spring break for your liver. There’s still time to curb your caffeine consumption and give your liver the love it deserves. I’m right there with you.
The Spring Cleanse starts tomorrow. The recipes and protocol are posted to the Member Page so you can get prepping as soon as enroll. Pull out your favorite shopping list recorder and let’s get prepping!

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

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