Full Body Systems Done-4-You: Nausea - Blog Image

Full Body Systems Done-4-You: Nausea

BY: Andrea Nakayama

DATE: 2019-04-06

As you likely know, some of the most coveted resources in our 10 month immersion program—Full Body Systems—are the Done-4-You Protocols.

While I’ll repeatedly remind you that there really are no formulas—as each case is unique and our job is to determine why those symptoms are occurring—it’s also important to know where to start when someone shows up in your practice with a specific set of complaints.

That’s why I’ve created protocols for the following issues:

  • gas and bloating

  • heartburn/acid reflux/GERD

  • constipation

  • diarrhea

  • hemorrhoids

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  • leaky gut

  • candida

I have one of our most popular Done-4-You Protocols to share with you today. It’s a common and irksome condition that we’ve all suffered with—Nausea.

As you’ve likely heard me and many other health leaders say, all health starts in the gut. So our first order of business has to be getting the digestive system in working order. Otherwise, none of our other nutrition advice will matter!

Nausea Done-4-You | Functional Nutrition Lab

Top to Bottom

While putting on your detective hat and going for the big WHY—the root causes of the signs, symptoms or diagnosis—is our ultimate aim, it’s still important to address these challenging manifestations as they can be depleting in their own right!

A prolonged case of diarrhea, constipation, or acid reflux, for example, is going to lead to a host of other nutrient deficiencies or a toxic burden that will express in its own signs or symptoms, if not tamed.

It’s amazing what kind of physiological disruption can occur from digestive troubles that seem nothing more than irksome.

That’s why, in the end, we as practitioners, have to get down to business, working top to bottom (symptom to root) and bottom to top (root to symptom)—putting the pieces together to initiate remedy and an opportunity for true healing.

In this way, we, as diet and lifestyle counselors, practice preventive medicine better than most other practitioners have the opportunity to!

This is where those Done-4-You’s come in so very handy. (And why so many of the Full Body Systems grads keep those protocols right on hand!)

It tickles me that the foods, supplements, lifestyle modifications & functional testing options that I’ve found successful in my own practice can help so many other clinicians cut through the clutter of information to know where to start, what to consider, and have a trusted resource to use as a checklist to ensure that they’re not overlooking any possible concerns or remedies in their consideration of the key digestive disturbances I outlined above.

Full Body Systems Done-4-You: Nausea

Grab your nausea Done-4-You, and read on to get some perspective on the impact of this symptom.

I’m quite familiar with nausea…

When my husband was in the final months of his life, taking a very aggressive chemotherapeutic agent as a last ditch effort to tackle his brain tumor (the oncologists had run out of options as he’d already outlived their expectations), he threw up multiple times a day.

We ate with a bucket beside the table until I figured out some of the tricks I share with you in this special Done-4-You.

Prior to that, I remember my “morning sickness” like it was yesterday!

The most interesting thing for me about that experience—a time when the thought of food made my stomach lurch like a ferris wheel, with food abstinence only making the sensation worse—is that it completely dissipated to a manageable annoyance when, during the throws of it, in the dawn of my first trimester of pregnancy, my husband was diagnosed with his brain tumor.

In that situation, priorities and perspective were enough to put the symptoms in check.

Yes, they were still there. Yet so much of the physiological response of nausea is seated in the brain (which is consistently talking to the digestive system), that what was previously consuming, became only niggling. Completely a “back burner” symptom.

Clearly, based on just the two examples above (medications, and pregnancy) nausea can present for a number of reasons. It’s a downstream symptom that doesn’t necessarily have one root.

Yet addressing the symptom of nausea while exploring and uncovering the roots is key.

Enter the Done-4-You: Nausea Handout. Yours for the taking!

Print it out and add it to your notebook or save it in your digital digestive file so you’ve got it at the ready when a client (or a family member, or yourself!) needs your help.

Andrea Nakayama

By: Andrea Nakayama, FxNA Founder & Functional Medicine Nutritionist

Functional Nutrition Alliance provides the comprehensive online Functional Nutrition training in the Science & Art of the Functional Nutrition practice. Learn to address the roots of your clients’ suffering with client education, diet & lifestyle modifications.


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